If you’re having trouble coming up with good gnome names because of their unique traits and love for all things mechanical and magical, our Gnome Name Generator is here to help! This tool gives you plenty of name ideas, complete with their meanings and pronunciations, making it super easy to find the perfect fit.
With these names and their meanings, you can give your character the perfect name or even create one that strengthens your story.
So, have fun discovering the names meant for your story or novel, and turn that little character into a legendary figure. While you’re at it, let me share everything I know about gnomes below for a quick overview!
Classic Gnome Names
- Albrin
- Banwick
- Carlin
- Dimble
- Erynwick
- Fenro
- Garrick
- Himple
- Iggin
- Jorbin
- Klemwick
- Loryn
- Merric
- Norwick
- Orin
- Pimble
- Quenwick
- Rimble
- Tindle
- Wimric
Also Check: Breton Name Generator
Magical Gnome Names
- Astrafin
- Blimzar
- Calimera
- Dazzlethorp
- Eldariel
- Felorwyn
- Glimmerwick
- Hyladora
- Illuma
- Jynzara
- Kelsindor
- Luminar
- Mystara
- Nyxorith
- Orilith
- Pyrax
- Quazmar
- Rivenbright
- Solomir
- Zephyrin
Mechanical Gnome Names
- Boltwick
- Coggspin
- Draxle
- Elbitor
- Flizzgear
- Gearrin
- Haxxle
- Ingot
- Jynxal
- Klickin
- Lusterforge
- Mechnix
- Nutbolt
- Oildrop
- Pistonwick
- Quarklin
- Rustbeard
- Sparkwhizz
- Tinkertop
- Wrenwick
Nature-Inspired Gnome Names
- Acornel
- Barkrin
- Cloverick
- Dewdrop
- Elderbloom
- Fernwick
- Gladebriar
- Heatherleaf
- Ivybell
- Juniper
- Larkspur
- Mosslyn
- Nutroot
- Oakryn
- Petalyn
- Quillthorn
- Riverdew
- Snowbell
- Thornwick
- Willowyn
Funny and Quirky Gnome Names
- Boffin
- Chomble
- Dabblethorn
- Fizzlewhip
- Gigglepants
- Humbuggle
- Jollywink
- Kettlesnap
- Laffalot
- Noodlethorn
- Picklewick
- Quibbletoe
- Razzlefluff
- Sprocketface
- Ticklesnout
- Umpgrin
- Wackywig
- Zazzlewhizz
- Zippitysnap
- Yippityflip
Gnome Surnames
- Bellowgrove
- Brightspark
- Copperwhisk
- Dapplethorn
- Emberbloom
- Frostshade
- Gemcutter
- Goldenbranch
- Irongear
- Jadeleaf
- Nightbloom
- Quilldust
- Silverwisp
- Stonemason
- Sunwhisper
- Thornwhisk
- Windgrace
- Winterbranch
- Woodbriar
- Yonderstone
Fantasy-Themed Gnome Names
- Ambrith
- Brynlin
- Calivor
- Drelwin
- Eldric
- Fenlyn
- Gralmor
- Hylrin
- Jorvalin
- Kaelrin
- Lythorin
- Myrral
- Nylith
- Ovrinor
- Prynnic
- Quorwyn
- Ryllandor
- Sylmara
- Thryndal
- Vynnar
Steampunk-Inspired Gnome Names
- Axlecrank
- Brasswhizz
- Clankspur
- Cogsworth
- Dripwhistle
- Fizzington
- Gearmaster
- Hingeclatter
- Ironspindle
- Knucklegear
- Lubeworth
- Mechmor
- Pulleysnort
- Rivetrix
- Sprockettail
- Tinkerclank
- Valvewick
- Widget
- Wrenchsnap
- Zippergear
Whimsical Gnome Names
- Binkle
- Chippery
- Doodlepop
- Fizzfidget
- Giggleroot
- Jinglewhistle
- Lolliflip
- Muddlepot
- Nibblesnap
- Puddlewick
- Quibbleroot
- Rumblewhip
- Snazzlenut
- Twinklethorn
- Wobbletick
- Yazzlepuff
- Zinnipin
- Zoodlewick
- Zubbledust
- Wizzlepot
Historical Gnome Names
- Albregar
- Beorin
- Clumric
- Drathen
- Eorwick
- Finbald
- Grithric
- Hamberin
- Ildor
- Kynwick
- Lormar
- Myndric
- Orivald
- Rythric
- Tarnin
- Ulric
- Vorwick
- Wyric
- Yorin
- Zylric
Also Check: Drow Name Generator
What is a Gnome Name Generator?
A Gnome Name Generator is a tool designed to provide unique, creative, and fitting names for gnome characters. It often includes name suggestions along with their meanings, pronunciations, and categories like magical, mechanical, or whimsical, making it easy for writers and gamers to find the perfect match.
How do I choose the best gnome name for my character?
When selecting a name, consider your gnome’s personality, backstory, and role in the story or game. For example, a magical gnome might have a mystical-sounding name like “Mystara,” while a tinker-loving gnome might suit a mechanical name like “Boltwick.” The meaning behind the name can also add depth to the character.
Can I use a gnome name generator for other fantasy characters?
Absolutely! While designed for gnomes, the names can work for other fantasy races or characters depending on the tone and style of your story or game. Many names from the generator can easily fit dwarves, halflings, fairies, or even unique human characters.
Finding the perfect gnome name can be challenging, but with tools like a Gnome Name Generator, the process becomes fun and effortless. Whether you’re creating a whimsical, magical, or mechanical gnome, having a name that reflects their unique traits adds depth to your story or game. Explore the endless possibilities, and let your gnome’s name bring their personality to life. Remember, a well-chosen name can turn a simple character into a legendary figure!